2020 in Review
By admin in Uncategorized on February 4, 2021
The year 2020 was a challenging year. Covid-19 changed the world around us and the way life is done in many unexpected ways, some bad and some good. We pray that each one of you are doing well in spite of all of it.
We praise the Lord for all that He has done and continues to do. We are excited to see what God has for this year even in the midst of the Pandemic and we are thankful for your prayers and support.
The highlight of 2020 was doing our first online school, it was a 6 week course to prepare people so they can be better equipped when working with the Indigenous children. We were unable to send teams into many of the Reservations but certain circumstances had unique situations and I hope to summarize it as condensed as possible.
It’s a 6 week e-course.
We had 10 teachers, 8 facilitators, 75 students, all of these from 14 denominations, 12 states. We even had 5 different individuals from 5 different indigenous nations participating.
We had numerous meetings with an amazing team that the Lord bought together as we discussed and prayed about different elements of how to make it work.
The facilitators had the job of taking on a group of 15 people and getting together with them weekly, they would set a time of the week that worked best for everyone in their group. Then we would have a teacher lined up to have one personal teaching time with them. All the students could participate in all of the live classes if they felt compelled to do so.
There was a total of 504 minutes of video classes, totaling 9 hours, 42 classes. Each class consisted of a text from the book of Acts, a video of approximately 12 minutes, a text to read afterwards and a small quiz. Each week they would watch 4 classes, all this is done at their own and pace. A format similar to MOOC – Massive Online Open Courses. Once a week there was a testimony for them to watch which was optional, done by missionaries that had many years of experience on the field, American, Brazilian and Indian missionaries all bringing a word of encouragement.
6 locations were reached and over 850 kids were touched. Many places we were unable to send in teams due to COVID restrictions.
Next post I will share in detail about the different things that happened with the different teams!

We had a “graduation” or a final meeting together to report all that was done, all the teachers spoke, some students shared with us how they learned and appreciated what they learned. We finished with communion, each one came prepared to participate. Roughly 30 concluded the requirements and went all the way to the end!