Application for Admission

IMPORTANT: Please fill out. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Applications will not be processed nor academic standing be assessed unless all questions are answered and the application signed and dated by applicant. Do not leave any question blank. Put N/A. if an item, such as a FAX number or email address, does not apply.

1) Personal Information

2) Ministry Experience

3) Educational Information

Other Education Information:
All EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND MUST BE SUPPORTED BY THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTATION: *List school including Bible Institutes, Bible Colleges, other Colleges or Universities. Must have original, sealed, official transcripts sent directly to your local campus. * If you have not attended college: Must send a xerographic copy of your high school transcript, diploma, or GED. NOTE: It is the applicant’s responsibility to order, pay for, and – if necessary – follow-up on all transcripts ordered.

4) MK verification