Curumim Action Values
1) Children – Our focus is on children between the ages of 5 to 12 years old. The men and women of tomorrow are the children of today. We understand that we have to teach them principles and character as a child.
2) Event – Curumim Action is an event where you have a date agreed with the local community to carry out the program. We are oriented by Events, we develop tasks based on an event.
3) The 8 least known segments of society – 1. Indigenous 2. Ribeirinhos 3. Gypsies 4. Sertanejos 5. Quilombolas 6. Immigrants 7. Deaf, with limited communication 8. The richest of the rich and the poorest of the poor. We cannot leave out the forgotten ones of our society. We understand that the world is evolving and the less fortunate need an opportunity to connect with a world that is always changing.
4) Interdenominational – We are a ministry of members of several churches working together. We are a body made up of several members for each one to play their part, carrying out the mission together.
5) Culture and Ethnicity – Each culture and ethnicity has the digit of God, which reflects something of His nature and glory in it. It has value and beauty in the diversity of each place and we value what is good and pleasant, morally and ethically.
6) Contextualization – Each region has a diverse cultural, linguistic, geographical and political reality, we adapt the work to support each region. Unity exists with diversity, we encourage diversity and we encourage unity through these values.
7) Transcultural – People are transformed when they have an experience in a culture different from theirs. We understand that to change prejudice and inequality, people of both cultures have to learn to relate and get involved to appreciate and walk together, to change the future of young people to have an expectation that encourages a motivation to abandon drugs and alcohol, to live something greater.
8) Bible – In it we look for teaching stories to teach children. We understand that the Bible is written by men who were inspired by God to teach us something important.
9) Provision and protection of God – We seek in each meeting to take a moment to listen to the voice of God in relation to the direction in knowing how to pray specifically, this is a matter of life and death because we are going and walking in spiritual territory that is not ours and can give the enemy a breach in our lives. We understand that the blood of Jesus is greater but we recognize that the enemy has power and we must be guided by the Holy Spirit.
10) Religious Ceremonies – Curumim Action does not perform baptism, holy supper and other religious celebrations, Curumim Action can hold a service, to celebrate and fraternize together with the other brothers, on the same trip of the event. We understand that our role is simple and is not meant to generate conflict.
11) Politics – Curumim Action is strictly prohibited to promote any political party, politics divides people and groups, we need the support of everyone. We can receive donations from any one. We understand that politics involves a lot of personal interests that conflict with other people, which we cannot harm the harmony and unity generated to work with children.
12) Coordinator – A Coordinator needs the following to be considered, 1) participate in at least 2 actions, 2) be a person with commitment, * (servant, calm and patient), 3) approved by your Pastor 4) participate in training and 5) cooperate and follow the guidelines of the Direction. We understand that a Coordinator has a very important task and it represents who we are, we look for people who will serve the mission and the communities with love and dedication.
13) Sub-Coordinators – We understand that the work of Ação Curumim can only happen if there is a team working together, each one has to know their role so that it is done efficiently, the four Sub-Coordinators are in the areas of a) Recreation Activities, b) Teaching, c) Snack and d) Presents, they also need to be people 1) with commitment, 2) approved by their Pastor 3) accompany meetings and decisions and 4) cooperate and follow the direction of the Board and staff .
14) Volunteers – Without volunteers we cannot do the job, they are the mobilizers for things to happen on the day, for every 100 children is needed 10 people to assist outside the kitchen team, these people can be evangelical and non-evangelical. We understand that it will be an opportunity for people to get to know a different culture and still know about Jesus and the gospel in action. If in a church, that person must be approved by their Pastor, if not in a church, the Coordinator is responsible for getting to know the person and assessing whether 1) is committed, 2) to follow the meetings and 3) to cooperate and follow the guidelines management and staff.
15) Simplicity – Curumim action is not meant to be complex, complicated or big. If only one party is made with a cake and balloon, it makes the child’s day happy. We understand that in simplicity it makes it more real and personal for all participants, it brings close people to work side by side, where friendships and relationships are born.
16) Flexibility – Working with exigence or rigidness brings stress and loses the atmosphere of fun and joy, a schedule must be created and everyone who is responsible must, as much as possible, do their part to serve each other. We understand that Flexibility allows you to change some things on the spur of the moment so that everything goes smoothly, often not even 50% that we plan happens, but in the end, the children played, had fun, ate, heard a story and was given a present? The mission was accomplished.
17) Passion – We are not looking for a multitude but those who have a passion. We understand that with just 3 to 5 people we can set others on fire with a passion, we don’t need a large group to change a city but only a few people that make a big difference.
18) Moral – On the trip we need positive conduct from all participants in three areas, 1) No short and tight clothing, women must cover properly, 2) Unmarried couples walking in places alone and physical contact is not allowed , and 3) men and women should sleep in separate locations, if this is not possible, everyone should sleep in the same place so as not to generate even a reason to think that someone in the group has done something that they should not have done. We understand that we must guard against any lie or false accusation against our ministry and our volunteers.
19) Humility – The practice of humility is experienced when we do not live our personal ambition and agenda, of wanting to grow, appear and conquer. No matter how many places and children, Curumim Action reaches, we do not want quantity but the quality of our sacrifice. We understand that if Curumim Action becomes a objective that is measured but numbers it will lose its essence, in everything we do, we do it with humility. We think more about others.
20) Jesus – He was the first to lay down his life. We look to his teachings to guide us and show us the way to live a life so that we will be called the Children of God. If we teach anything, if we share the gospel may it be only his teachings and his teachings alone!