Mercy University

  • Mercy University is an Interdenominational Christian College established in 1990, for
    the edification of the Body of Christ.
  • We believe that the New Testament clearly states that all Christians have a place in the
    Body of Christ. God has something special for every member of every church to do.
    Our purpose is to equip both church members and leaders so that each one will be
    ready to function in the place which the Lord has prepared for them.
  • Mercy University’s student body comes from the Body of Christ nationally and
    internationally. It is our policy that all programs offered by the college shall be equally
    available to all persons without regard to race, age, sex, or special needs.
  • Mercy University aims to equip men and women to live successful, victorious
    lives. Mercy University prepares individuals to be effective and involved members of
    their local churches and to provide mature qualified leaders to meet the needs of local
    churches, para-church ministries, and the community.
  • An essential part of Christian education at Mercy University is practical application.
    We encourage students to become involved in their communities and be active in a local church’s ministry.
  • Mercy University is involved in a thrust for evangelism at home and abroad. Opportunities to participate are available to the student.

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