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June 2024 Update

By admin in Uncategorized on July 1, 2024

Third Wave Outreach, INC

In 2018, I remembered waking up one morning thinking, “What am I doing?!” I had no job, and we had nothing. A few days later, I woke up with this phrase: “For such a time as this.”

Third Wave Outreach INC. was born that year. We have reached places we never dreamed of or set foot through.

Let me share what Third Wave Outreach did last year and what it is doing this year.

Last year, we helped host a campaign for an Indigenous Pastor, our dear friend, Pr. Ricardo Poquivique, to raise money for a car for the ministry to the tribes in the northeast of Brazil. We were able to channel $1600.00 from his contacts through our organization, giving him 100% of the funds to help acquire a vehicle for the ministry. Please pray for him as he and his family have a beautiful ministry in the Northeast. He is one of our Online Teachers and speakers. We are grateful for his life and ministry and to be able to partner with him. You can check out more about his ministry here: Ricardo Poquiviqui Campaign

This year, we saw tremendous growth with the Online Ministry. A new team started in Mato Grosso (a 36-hour bus ride from Imperatriz, our home base) for the first time. I met with the coordinator; she took our online course last year. We now encourage our volunteers to take Module 2, which helps prepare them for leading and organizing a team. I wish to be with them on this incredible journey in person.

The team in the state of Pará did a mini–online course in April, and as I watched from the group online, I saw them as they shared different things they were learning. They started getting the online certificates individually and would share them in the WhatsApp Group. The certificates are automatically generated upon conclusion, with their name, the date they started, and the date they finished on the website. I built it so they have to pass the questions through their answers to the quizzes to receive their certificate. I am excited to visit them on our 10-day trip to Brazil to work with them.

After concluding their online course, they organized a fundraiser to take the team to visit a tribe. They acquired 40 children’s Bibles and distributed them to the children! (A kid with a Children’s Bible, picture on the right)

I meet weekly with the team online to help them as I mentor and coach them. In one of our meetings, they had one volunteer share some unique opportunities God opened up.

In another meeting online, we met with a volunteer experiencing difficulty with the platform on the website and offered to help make it work easier and better.

Third Wave Outreach exists to teach and train believers from different denominations to take the Gospel to the Indigenous communities in their proximities as an interdenominational and collaborative ministry.

If you would like to be updated about what Third Wave Outreach is doing, then sign up for our updates!


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