Follow and Contact Ricardo!


I am Ricardo Poquiviqui. I’m indigenous from the Terena Tribe in Mato Grosso do Sul.

I serve the indigenous people in the Northeast.

Our challenge is to bring the Gospel to them.

There are 58 ethnic groups in the Northeast.

The majority don’t have believers or churches and there is a lack of missionaries who are willing to work with them.

These people need the Gospel.

To get to these places that are difficult to access, we have to go up mountains and travel to the interior.

One of the biggest challenges is to have a 4×4 vehicle to do this work.

This campaign is to acquire a vehicle to do this mission.

I count on your support and help so the Gospel of Jesus will come to the indigenous people groups of the Northeast.

All donations are tax deductible. We will send your tax deductible receipt the following year but we must have your mailing address or email on hand to be able to send it to you.

If you would like to send your donation by mail you can do so by sending it to our business address:

Third Wave Outreach
%Ricardo Poquiviqui

2803 Gulf to Bay Blvd #229
Clearwater FL, 33759

Please make out all checks to “Third Wave Outreach”. Add in the memo “Ricardo” for identification purposes.

Send a notification to Ricardo as well as to the TWO Team email address for the best communication possible and transparency. Ricardo’s Email: and T.W.O.’s Email:

100% of the donations will be directed to Ricardo and his ministry. Third Wave Outreach, INC loves Ricardo and his family and believe in the great work he is doing and assisting the ministry in this way.

The TWO Team


Eu sou Ricardo Poquiviqui. Sou indígena da tribo Terena no Mato Grosso do Sul.

Atendo os indígenas do Nordeste.

Nosso desafio é levar o Evangelho até eles.

Existem 58 etnias no Nordeste.

A maioria não tem crentes ou igrejas e faltam missionários dispostos a trabalhar com eles.

Essas pessoas precisam do Evangelho.

Para chegar a esses lugares de difícil acesso, temos que subir montanhas e viajar para o interior.

Um dos maiores desafios é ter um veículo 4×4 para fazer esse trabalho.

Esta campanha é para adquirir um veículo para fazer esta missão.

Conto com seu apoio e ajuda para que o Evangelho de Jesus chegue aos povos indígenas do Nordeste.

Você pode fazer enviar sua doação via Pix para Ricardo: 83 999972061